My Goal Setting Journey

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.Psalm 51:7

A stunning blanket of white graces the view out my window this afternoon. The road, like a plush white velvet ribbon, winds off down the hill, disappearing from sight into the familiar gray-brown canvas of winter woodland. The snow is still coming down in big flakes to join in transforming the landscape. Whenever I experience the rather unusual joy of a snowfall here in Alabama, I’m always reminded that by Jesus’ blood, we are washed clean from sin – whiter than snow! Hallelujah!

Homesteading, Farming, Country Living, Goal Setting, Christian Goal Setting

A new year is like a smooth snow-covered field, ready for the footsteps we’ll take, but still very new and clean, full of possibilities! Settled into the warm and cozy house, I’m thinking this is the perfect time to write about setting goals for a new year. I’m no expert, but I’m certainly a goal setting enthusiast! Perhaps because this is an area of my life that has changed drastically over the past several years, so I’m excited to share a little bit of what that looks like right now!

First off, maybe we need a little background.

Do you know anyone who naturally seems to have their life all figured out, their time perfectly scheduled, and are always on track to a specific achievement in their life?

Well, I’m not that person. Quite the contrary. 🙂

I used to ask people who are confident with their life questions like: “How do you get things done? How do you know what to work on? How do you prioritize your projects?” They tended to respond with a hint of confusion, maybe cocking their head, or incredulously repeating the question as if they didn’t even understand how I could ask something so simple. These folks were obviously naturally gifted with getting things done. I felt like a failure for not being that way, but, well…I just wasn’t.

New Year’s used to be a huge monument of hope in my life. After failing my expectations for a whole year, I was desperate for the new start that a change of calendars brought. This was going to be the year everything changes!

Homesteading, Farming, Country Living, Goal Setting, Christian Goal Setting

But my ambitious new schedule plan would usually fall by the wayside within the first few weeks, leaving me feeling like the whole year was already a bust! How could this be? I needed a new approach, but after trying so hard, I finally decided maybe there wasn’t any way I could change. (A bit dramatic, perhaps, but then, maybe you know the feeling?)

Then, it happened. I’d been praying for help, when I stumbled across a planner called the PowerSheets intentional goal planner. The sales pitch seemed like it was written for me. But I was tentative. I had tried so many things that hadn’t stuck. Was there still hope?

I decided there was and took a leap of faith to purchase the planner with Christmas money that year.

The basic premise of the planner was to work through a series of questions at the beginning that guide you to consider what really matters in life. As I covered the process with prayer, I began, almost unknowingly, setting priorities for my life. That first time through the prep work was emotionally taxing, yet also began to bring a golden glow of hope to life.

I’m so grateful to say, sitting about 6 years on this side of that struggle, while a new year truly does excite me, I also know it’s simply a continuation of the same path of growth!

So, if you struggle with productivity or really any area in your life – remember, there is hope! God is so faithful. I encourage you to ask for His help…

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Homesteading, Farming, Country Living, Goal Setting, Christian Goal Setting

I have seven goals for 2024, which you will hopefully be seeing in action throughout the year! They are connected to my relationship with God, relationships with the precious people in my life, writing, continuing my journey as a student herbalist, nurturing my health, tuning up my weekly/daily schedule, and being a producer (hopefully you’ll be seeing lots of updates on this, especially as it relates to homesteading and other real projects).

My goals are all focused on projects that are current in my life, things that matter to me here and now, and that I also see as having potential for eternal impact.

I’ll be back soon to share some of the goal setting process and tools I use and enjoy!

Please let me know: Are you a natural when it comes to being organized with your time and projects? Do you have any tips to share? Please leave them in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Because of Jesus,
Maggie ♥

1 Comment

  1. I can’t wait to follow along with you in 2024, Maggie! I am SO grateful for Powersheets and the helpful push it has given into a perspective switch! I am not a natural either when it comes to organizing and prioritizing…but I’m also so grateful for God’s help in these things and His mercies that are new every morning! 🙂

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